The Association’s Statement to Condemn the Execution Sentences

Many young Iranians are in danger of being executed. The Islamic regime conducts sham trials with fabricated charges and unilaterally issues death sentences without the presence of independent defence lawyers.
Vafa Azarbar, Mohsen Mazloum, Mohammad (Hajhir) Faramarzi, Pejman Fatehi, Reza Resaei, Mojahed Koorkoor, Kamran Schikte, Anvar Khazari, Khosro Besharat and Farhad Salimi are ten young Iranians who face the imminent threat of state sanctioned murder by execution. Their families stand in wait at the gates of various prisons throughout Iran, including the nefarious Evin prison, desperately hoping to save their loved ones.
The Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims vehemently condemns the shameless behaviour of the Islamic regime. We ask Iranians around the world to stand by these families and not to leave them alone in the face of such barbarism. We stand with the families who are fighting to save their children. We shall never forget the criminals of the Islamic regime, nor shall we ever forgive them.