The Association’s statement on the Downing of Azerbaijani Flight 8243

The news of the downing of Azerbaijani airplane, on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the downing of PS752 by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, was shocking and heartbreaking for us.
If the role of Russian air defense in this incident is confirmed, unfortunately, this marks the third airplane downed by Russian-backed forces in different parts of the world. MH17 was brought down by Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine, PS752 was shot down by Ali Khamenei’s regime, whose dependence on Russia is evident to the world, and now, Azerbaijani flight 8243 has been downed by Russian air defenses.
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and other global aviation security bodies have had ample time to condemn these atrocities. They have had enough time to review and reform Annex 13 and the criminal and technical laws applicable to such crimes. They have had sufficient opportunity to prevent the recurrence of such tragedies. Unfortunately, as long as international organizations claim neutrality in the face of such crimes, they inadvertently or deliberately side with the perpetrators.
We stand in solidarity with the families affected by the Azerbaijani aviation tragedy and are certain that now is the best time for international organizations to rectify their past mistakes. Silence is complicity with criminals. Do not allow Russia or its allies to lead the investigations. On this fifth anniversary, and starting today, condemn these crimes and initiate impartial investigations into PS752 and the Azerbaijani airplane. Punish the Islamic regime in Iran and Russia for committing these crimes. We neither forget nor shall we ever forgive the criminals and their accomplices.