Remember me. Remember me, a passenger of an airplane that did not arrive at its destination. Remember me in the kind hearts and beautiful eyes that were shot at with missiles. Remember the lost lives, the charred luggage, and the attack of bulldozers on what remained. Remember the people who anticipated my arrival, the warm embraces that shriveled in grief, the kisses that burned, the future that was doomed. Remember me in the days filled with lies, the months riddled with lies. Remember me in a crime that was mass murder, by the hands of the Islamic regime.
It has been four years since the IRGC’s criminal act of downing flight PS752, and the murder of 176 humans and an unborn child.
Over the past year, the case for this crime has been referred to the International Court of Justice by the governments of four affected countries: Canada, The United Kingdom, Ukraine, and Sweden. While we appreciate the commitment of these governments to the victims’ families, we declare once again that our expectation from this process is that the truth be revealed and justice be served. Next October, the four governments will make their filing at The Hague, and it is then up to the Islamic regime to deliver evidence.
It is clear today, as it was from the beginning, that the Islamic regime has no evidence to prove human error. On the other hand, the brutal pressure that the regime subjects the victims’ families to has increased, not only inside Iran but also in other countries. The Association thus reiterates our demands:
1. An application to initiate provisional measures at The Hague in light of the regime’s treatment of the families.
2. The RCMP must open a criminal case in Canada.
3. To place the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps on the list of terrorist organizations.
Today also marks the anniversary of the wilful murder of Baktash Abtin, and the state murder of Mohammad Mahdi Karami and Mohammad Hosseini. The rotting pillars of the Islamic regime rest on the graves of thousands of victims whose names we commemorate. The PS752 victims’ families’ fight for justice is part of a larger cause for justice in Iran that can help the Iranian people’s civil rights movement to overcome this nightmare and reach justice and freedom. To find justice, we have a difficult path ahead, and along this arduous path, we are indebted to millions of free-minded individuals inside Iran and around the world, who have stood with us. We yearn for the day when true justice will be served inside Iran and by an independent judiciary of a country that is rid of any sign of the Islamic regime. For that day, we continue to fight, and we shall never forget the perpetrators of crimes, nor shall we ever forgive.