Statement of the Association of Flight PS752 Victims on the court decision against Ukrainian Airlines noting that the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Human Error claims contain deliberate mistruths and are unconvincing

Today the Superior Court of Ontario issued a ruling against Ukrainian International Airlines in favor of the families. According to the ruling, the court revealed that UIA was negligent in permitting flight PS752 to take off from Tehran on January 8, 2020. In the ruling, the court refutes the Islamic Republic of Iran’s report claiming human error as the cause for the downing and finds it unconvincing.
Further to proving that UIA was negligent in not stopping the flight on January 8, the court order includes many observations against the Islamic Republic of Iran. The judge declared the Islamic Republic’s explanations claiming human error as unconvincing in the context of Iran’s military and civil radar capabilities. Elsewhere in the report, the judge holds the Islamic Republic responsible in keeping the civilian airspace open and not issuing a NOTAM (Notice to Airman) during those hours.
This court case was brought independent of the Association by many members of the victims’ families. The Association’s support of the families in this case was limited to responding to questions and sharing information that was previously compiled by the Association’s Fact Finding Committee.
The Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims remains committed to searching for the truth and justice for the victims. This court ruling does not diminish in any way, the IRGC’s and the Islamic Regime’s responsibility in the downing of flight PS752 but further emphasizes it. The Association’s legal efforts before the International Civil Aviation Organization, the International Criminal court and the International Court of Justice in the Hague shall in no way be affected by this recent court ruling.