Statement on cancellation of “friendly” Canada vs. Iran soccer game, and in solidarity with the families of the victims of Abadan’s Metropol disaster

The “friendly game” is cancelled. There was an overwhelming expression of solidarity and support for the campaign of the families of flight PS752 victims. Government officials, politicians from many parties, athletes, artists and journalists, the families of of the victims of other atrocities committed by the Islamic republic of Iran, all stood by us. Our campaign demonstrated to the world, the power of the powerless, and made clear that the way to justice is paved with solidarity and cooperation. We thank everyone who believed in our cause for justice. We thank everyone who shared our belief that nefarious ideological manipulation must not contaminate civil society, especially sports. We thank everyone who saw through the veil of deceit disguised as a “friendly game”.
The “friendly game” hosted by Soccer Canada in Vancouver was unacceptable to the families of flight PS752 victims for the following reasons;
1- Under the guise of a “friendly game”, the Islamic Republic sought to whitewash their crimes and further their agenda of normalizing their diplomatic relations with Canada despite their lack of good will, transparency and accountability. A misdirection tactic that must not deceive anyone.
2- The Islamic republic was using this sporting event as a diversion tactic to infiltrate Canadian society with its security agents and those directly or indirectly affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. among the soccer team entourage visiting Canada. The IRGS is the organization that commits so many crimes around the world including the murder of our loved ones aboard the downed Ukrainian flight PS752.
3- Women are forbidden from attending soccer venues in Iran. They are harassed, assaulted and arrested at athletic stadiums. The Islamic Republic and its operatives sought to divert attention from this inhumane reality in the eyes of the free world.
4- The Islamic Republic and its operatives around the world, sought to use this event to pit people, especially Iranian-Canadians, against each other and create a rift amongst civil society who seek peace, democracy and freedom.
28 months have passed while truth and justice remains in limbo about the willful murder committed by the IRGC in the downing of flight PS752. Cancelling this event merely corrects a misguided decision by Soccer Canada. We are all too aware of the nefarious plans that were conceived by the operatives and lobbyist of the Islamic Republic in Canada and found it as our civic duty to share our insight and concerns with the public.
We ask that the Canadian government act on its commitment to justice for the families of flight PS752 victims by taking the following actions without delay;
1- To refer the PS752 file to relevant international bodies.
2- To officially include the IRGC among terrorist organizations.
3- To initiate targeted, Magnytski sanctions on all parties, individuals and organizations, including the commanders and executioners of the missile attacks against flight PS752.
The murder of our loved ones is yet another link in the chain of crimes against humanity committed by the Islamic Republic regime. The Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims hereby calls a day of collective mourning in memory of the victims of the most recent of those crimes, the victims of the Metropol disaster in Abadan. We stand by their families and join them in our collective fight for justice for so many innocent lives lost. Let us join in solidarity so that we can put a stop to this criminal state sponsor of terrorism once and for all.
We will never forget, nor shall we ever forgive.