Statement of the Association Regarding the Official Objection of the Islamic Regime to the Jurisdiction of the International Court Of Justice

The Islamic Regime in Iran officially objected yesterday to the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to hear the case of the downing of Flight PS752.
On October 16, 2024, the four affected countries — Canada, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and Sweden — submitted their documents and evidence against this government. The Islamic Regime had three months to object to the ICJ’s jurisdiction over this case.
The International Court of Justice is the highest judicial authority in the world, and the Islamic regime has repeatedly used this body to advance its political and economic interests, which have no connection to the national interests of Iranians. Now that it is time to account for the crimes of this criminal regime, they are questioning the court’s jurisdiction.
The manner in which the crime of January 8, 2020, was handled in the so-called courts of the Islamic Regime’s judiciary is clear to all. The judiciary of the Islamic Regime not only failed to cooperate with any of the affected countries in criminal and technical investigations of this crime but also trampled justice with obfuscation, lies, obstruction and harassing the victims’ families.
Thus, after the necessary response from the four affected countries to the Islamic Regime’s objection in the coming months, it is expected that the first session addressing the ICJ’s jurisdiction over this crime will be held later this year. If the court session is held publicly, many of us will be present at the hearing.
The Association is determined to stay the course for seeking justice for the 177 innocent victims. Our fight for the 177 victims continues in the name of thousands upon thousands of other victims of the Islamic Regime’s crimes until justice is served. Until then, we shall never forget, nor shall we ever forgive.