Statement of the Association on ICAO Council’s Historic Ruling Against the Islamic Republic of Iran

After more than five years, the Islamic Regime in Iran has been condemned by a majority vote in ICAO (the International Civil Aviation Organization).
Based on a complaint filed by four countries—Canada, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and Sweden—on January 8, 2024, at the ICAO Council, the Islamic Republic of Iran was required to answer for its crimes in the downing of Flight PS752. Instead of taking responsibility, the Islamic Regime attempted to challenge the jurisdiction of the ICAO Council in handling this case, thereby violating the Chicago Convention, which guarantees the safety of civilian flights. Finally, on March 17, 2025, the ICAO Council reviewed its jurisdiction over the case and, by majority vote, ruled against the Islamic Regime’s claims.
For over five years, the Islamic Regime has consistently claimed that its technical report and explanations regarding the criminal downing of Flight PS752 and the murder of 177 innocent people were accepted by international organizations, including ICAO. However, in November 2021, the Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims, through its technical report “The Lonely Fight for Justice”, collected and analyzed all available evidence, proving that the Islamic Regime’s explanations were nothing but a mix of lies and deception. This report was sent to all ICAO Council members and decision-makers at the time and was acknowledged by the Council. Nevertheless, the Islamic Regime repeatedly tried to use its false propaganda to obscure the truth and delay accountability for its unforgivable crime. Now, with this condemnation, it is clear to all how little credibility this regime and its deceptive statements hold in the international community.
We extend our gratitude to the four affected countries that responsibly brought this case to the ICAO Council, as well as to the President and members of the ICAO Council who stood with the victims’ families through their historic vote. The Islamic Regime is well aware that if it appeals this ruling, it will face a new case at the International Court of Justice. The opening of a second case against the Islamic Regime in The Hague will mark another significant step in the pursuit of justice against this oppressive and criminal regime.
At the Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims, we will continue this difficult path to the end. We will never forget, nor shall we ever forgive those responsible for the murder of our loved ones.