Hamed Esmaeilion met with Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Iryna Venediktova.

Today Hamed Esmaeilion, President and Spokesperson of the Association of Families of PS752 Victims met with Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Iryna Venediktova, according to the press release of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.
“We have a common pain and a common desire for justice. Ukraine is conducting a pre-trial investigation in conditions of extraterritoriality – without access to the wreckage of the plane, key witnesses, and suspects. “said the Prosecutor General.
She also stated that the Ukrainian side did not find support from other affected countries to establish a Joint Investigation Team (JIT), which would greatly facilitate and expedite the pre-trial investigation.
According to this press release, Ukrainian prosecutors are doing everything possible to establish the truth in the case, actively implementing the tool for sending requests for international legal assistance. So far, a total of 24 requests have been sent, but the timing of their implementation in a pandemic is too long.

“Throughout the past year, Ukraine and Iran have moved in separate ways: Iran has conducted its own investigations, to the materials of which we do not have access. This year, Iran has announced its case against 10 suspects in the court, but information about them has not not been disclosed. Three rounds of talks between Ukrainian and Iranian officials have already taken place. We have heard proposals from the Iranian side on possible forms of cooperation, which have remained promises.” Iryna Venediktova stated.
Following the third round of Ukrainian-Iranian talks held in early June 2021 in Kyiv, the Ukrainian side agreed to the Iranian offer to review the materials of the criminal case in the Iranian judiciary, as well as the possibility of the presence of Ukrainian representatives during the trial in Iran without the right to vote.
Immediately after the talks, the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine sent a letter regarding the working order to agree on the procedure for reviewing evidence, preparing the necessary documents and appointing Ukrainian representatives to the delegation. Four months later, no response has been received from the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
In October, the Office of the Prosecutor General again appealed to the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran for answers and a positive solution to the issue of providing Ukrainian prosecutors with the materials, evidences and witnesses to this crime.