| محمد عباسپورقادی | | https://www.uwindsor.ca/supportuwindsor/remembering-flight-ps752 | |
| مهران ابطحی فروشانی | | https://give.ubc.ca/projects/iranian-student-memorial-award/
| https://donate.give.ubc.ca/page/68038/donate/1?locale=en-US
 | فرید آراسته | Carlton University | https://futurefunder.carleton.ca/giving-fund/fareed-arasteh-memorial-graduate-scholarship-in-biology/ | https://futurefunder.carleton.ca/donate/?fund_id=38604 |
| ارشیا ارباب بهرامی | Western Canada HighSchool | Arshia Arbabbahrami Memorial Award –
EducationMatters | General Donation to
EducationMatters (e2rm.com) |
| محمدحسین اسدی لاری | University of Toronto | https://give.ubc.ca/projects/iranian-student-memorial-award/ | https://donate.give.ubc.ca/page/68038/donate/1?locale=en-US
| زینب اسدی لاری | University of Toronto | https://give.ubc.ca/projects/iranian-student-memorial-award/
| https://donate.give.ubc.ca/page/68038/donate/1?locale=en-US
| غنیمت اژدری | University of Gulph | Ghanimat Azhdari Memorial
Scholarship | Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (uoguelph.ca) | Improve Life | Make a Gift – University
of Guelph (uoguelph.ca) |
| مهربان بدیعی اردستانی | Univerity of Ottawa | uOttawa Launches Memorial
Scholarship Fund to Honour Flight PS752 Victims | University of Ottawa | https://www2.uottawa.ca/giving/ |
| سمیرا بشیری | University of Winsore | | Remembering Flight PS752 | Support
UWindsor |
| محمدامین بیروتی | University of Toronto | Computer Science
establishes Beiruti and Saleheh Memorial Fund honouring victims of Flight PS752 (toronto.edu) | Department of Computer Science —
Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto |
| مژگان دانشمند | University of Alberta | https://www.ualberta.ca/flight-ps752-memorial/memorial-fund.html | Give to the University of Alberta
(alumniq.com) |
| کامیار ابنالدین حمیدی | | | Fundraiser by Babak Uncle of Kamyar :
Kamyar Scholarship Fund (gofundme.com) |
| نیلوفر ابراهیم | Kingston University | Kingston University
student Niloufar Ebrahim remembered in launch of scholarship commemorating second anniversary of downing
of Ukraine International Airlines flight 752 – News – Kingston University London | https://kubacker.hubbub.net/p/Niloufar-Scholarship/
| پریسا اقبالیان | | 1. PS752 | Fundraising | Iranian Ontario Dental Association (ioda.ca) 2. https://uoft.me/ps752dentistry 3. https://uoft.me/ps752music | 2. https://uoft.me/ps752dentistry 3. https://uoft.me/ps752music |
| محمد مهدی الیاسی | University of Alberta | Memorial Fund | University of Alberta
(ualberta.ca) | Give to the University of Alberta
(alumniq.com) |
 | ریرا اسماعیلیون | | 1. https://www.ioda.ca/ps752 2. https://uoft.me/ps752dentistry 3. https://uoft.me/ps752music | 2. https://uoft.me/ps752dentistry 3. https://uoft.me/ps752music |
| شریعه فقیهی | University of Dalhousi | The Iranian Memorial Bursary Fund –
projectDAL | https://www.ioda.ca/ps752 |
| آیدا فرزانه | Quebec University | Scholarship in memory of Aida Farzaneh
and Arvin Morattab | ÉTS Montréal (etsmtl.ca) | Online inscriptions and gifts – École de
technologie supérieure, Service du Fonds de développement et des relations avec les diplômés
(imakeanonlinedonation.org) |
| سیاوش غفوری آذر | Concordia University | Concordia creates
scholarship fund in memory of Iran plane crash victims | Montreal Gazette | Concordia University
| میلاد قاسمی آریانی | University of Gulph | New Scholarships Honour
Plane Crash Victims, Mark Anniversary of Tragedy Jan. 8 – U of G News (uoguelph.ca) | Improve Life | Make a
Gift – University of Guelph (uoguelph.ca) |
| امیرحسین قاسمی | University of Mnaitba | Support the Flight PS752 Fellowship –
University of Manitoba (umanitoba.ca) | |
| مهدیه قوی | | Ghavi
Sisters Foundation | بنیاد خواهران قوی | |
| معصومه قوی | University of Dalhousi | The Iranian Memorial Bursary Fund –
projectDAL | Ghavi Sisters Foundation | بنیاد خواهران قوی |
 | فریده غلامی | | Rahimi Family Memorial Scholarship | Giving (ontariotechu.ca) | |
| امیرحسین قربانی بهابادی | University of Manitoba | Support the Flight PS752 Fellowship –
University of Manitoba (umanitoba.ca) | |
| پونه گرجی | University of Alberta | Memorial Fund | University of Alberta
(ualberta.ca) | Give to the University of Alberta
(alumniq.com) |
| زهرا حسنی سعدی | University of Toronto | Iranian Student Memorial Scholarship –
Future Students. University of Toronto | University of Toronto (utoronto.ca) | University of Toronto (utoronto.ca)
| پارسا حسننژاد | Toronto Stem School | https://www.torontostemschool.com/scholarships
| https://www.torontostemschool.com/scholarships
| حدیث حیاتداوودی | Western University | Western News – Scholarships launched in
memory of Iranian students (westernu.ca) | https://www.westernconnect.ca/site/SPageNavigator/Flight752_Memorial_Graduate_Scholarship.html
 | پدرام جدیدی | | https://www.uwindsor.ca/supportuwindsor/remembering-flight-ps752 | |
| سعید کدخدازاده کاشانی | University of Ottawa | uOttawa Launches Memorial
Scholarship Fund to Honour Flight PS752 Victims | University of Ottawa | https://www2.uottawa.ca/giving/ |
| فروغ خادم | University of Manitoba | 1. http://www.hsgsa.org/dr-forough-khadem-memorial-major-award/ 2. https://crowdfunding.umanitoba.ca/project/dr-forough-khadem-scholarship/ | 1. Dr. Forough Khadem scholarship – landing page – University of Manitoba (umanitoba.ca) 2. https://crowdfunding.umanitoba.ca/project/dr-forough-khadem-scholarship/ |
| سارا ممانی | Concordia University | Concordia creates scholarship fund in memory of Iran plane crash victims | Montreal Gazette | https://engage.concordia.ca/donate/memorial-scholarship-fund-for-iranian-students |
| امیر مرادی | Queen University | ۱. https://www.givetoqueens.ca/project/view/1233
۲. https://www.givetoqueens.ca/project/view/1209 | ۱. https://www.givetoqueens.ca/donate/immediate
۲. https://www.givetoqueens.ca/donate/immediate |
| آروین مرتب | Quebec University | Scholarship in memory of Aida Farzaneh
and Arvin Morattab | ÉTS Montréal (etsmtl.ca) | Online inscriptions and gifts – École de
technologie supérieure, Service du Fonds de développement et des relations avec les diplômés
(imakeanonlinedonation.org) |
| پدرام موسوی بفروئی | University of Alberta | Memorial Fund | University of Alberta
(ualberta.ca) | Give to the University of Alberta
(alumniq.com) |
 | دریا موسوی | | https://www.ualberta.ca/engineering/news/2020/january/in-memoriam—mojgan-daneshmand-and-pedram-mousavi.html | |
 | درینا موسوی | | https://www.ualberta.ca/engineering/news/2020/january/in-memoriam—mojgan-daneshmand-and-pedram-mousavi.html | |
| الناز نبیی | University of Alberta | ۱ https://www.ualberta.ca/graduate-studies/awards-and-funding/scholarships/department-awards/dear-elnaz-graduate-scholarship-in-memory-of-flight-ps752.html
۲ Memorial Fund | University of Alberta (ualberta.ca) | |
| زهرا نقیبی | University of Windsor | Remembering Flight PS752 | Support
UWindsor | |
| میلاد نهاوندی | Western University | Western News – Scholarships launched in
memory of Iranian students (westernu.ca) | https://www.westernconnect.ca/site/SPageNavigator/Flight752_Memorial_Graduate_Scholarship.html
 | فرهاد نیکنام | | | https://www.ioda.ca/ps752 |
| غزل نوریان | Westen Univeristy | Scholarships Created to
Honour Victims of Flight PS752 – ScholarshipsCanada.com! | https://www.westernconnect.ca/site/SPageNavigator/Flight752_Memorial_Graduate_Scholarship.html
| آلما اولادی | University of Ottawa | uOttawa Launches Memorial
Scholarship Fund to Honour Flight PS752 Victims | University of Ottawa | https://www2.uottawa.ca/giving/ |
| روجا امیدبخش | University of Victoria | https://extrweb.uvic.ca/donate-online/iranian-student-memorial
| |
| آرش پورضرابی | University of Alberta | Memorial Fund | University of Alberta
(ualberta.ca) | Give to the University of Alberta
(alumniq.com) |
| ژیوان رحیمی | | Rahimi Family Memorial
Scholarship | Giving (ontariotechu.ca) | |
| رزگار رحیمی | Cenntinal Colleage | ۱. Centennial College – A Scholarship in Memory of Dr. Razgar Rahimi
۲. Rahimi Family Memorial Scholarship | Giving (ontariotechu.ca) | Donate | One-Time Donation
(centennialcollege.ca) |
| نسیم رحمانیفر | University of Alberta | Memorial Fund | University of Alberta
(ualberta.ca) | Give to the University of Alberta
(alumniq.com) |
| نیلوفر رزاقیخمسی | University of BritishClombia | https://give.ubc.ca/projects/iranian-student-memorial-award/
| https://donate.give.ubc.ca/page/68038/donate/1?transaction.dirgift=Iranian%20Student%20Memorial%20Award%20G2833
| صبا سعادت | University of Alberta | Memorial Fund | University of Alberta
(ualberta.ca) | Give to the University of Alberta
(alumniq.com) |
| سارا سعادت | University of Alberta | Memorial Fund | University of Alberta
(ualberta.ca) | Give to the University of Alberta
(alumniq.com) |
| امیرحسین سعیدینیا | University of Alberta | Memorial Fund | University of Alberta
(ualberta.ca) | Give to the University of Alberta
(alumniq.com) |
| محمد صالحه | University of Toronto | Department of Computer Science —
Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto | University of Toronto (utoronto.ca)
| ساجده سرائیان | Western University | Ontario Remembrance
Scholarship – Office of the Registrar – Western University (uwo.ca) | https://www.westernconnect.ca/site/SPageNavigator/Flight752_Memorial_Graduate_Scholarship.html
 | حمیدرضا ستاره کوکب | | https://www.uwindsor.ca/supportuwindsor/remembering-flight-ps752 | |
| سعید طهماسبی خادم اسدی | Imperial College of London | https://www.imperial.ac.uk/giving/donate/remembering-saeed/
| |