Association statement on the International Human Rights Day

Three months have passed from the courageous resistance of the Iranian people against the Islamic Republic regime. Women remain on the frontlines of protests everywhere. Students continue their daily protests. Hundreds of demonstrations inside Iran and around the world have been organized. Revolution is a suitable word to describe what began on the very first days after the murder of Mahsa Amini.
The Islamic Republic continues its murderous methods of the past forty years killing, oppressing, and arresting peaceful protestors. Many have been sentenced to death. As Navid said before, he was murdered, the Islamic Republic’s noose of murder and mayhem seeks a new neck every day, and now it was Mohsen Shekari’s turn. Mohsen Shekari was a 23-year-old innocent man who was murdered because he was fighting for a better life, a free life.
The Islamic Republic seeks to terrorize and persecute. The Islamic Republic seeks to extinguish the fire of hope in the hearts of the Iranian people. The Islamic Republic seeks to escape justice and bury freedom under its dark veil of terror. But we shall continue to act on our duty. We shall continue to be the voice of our fellow Iranians around the world and insist on our collective demands;
1- The Ambassadors of the Islamic Republic and their representatives in international organizations must be expelled.
2- Confiscate all assets of the Islamic Republic oligarchs and deport them without delay.
3- The United Nations Human Rights Council must set aside bureaucratic delays and commence formal investigations in the crimes of the Islamic Republic without delay.
4- Add the names of the judges who issue death sentences against innocent protestors to the sanctions list.
The path of our revolution may be costly and tiresome. This path may not reach the gates of justice and freedom in a day. But we shall certainly arrive at our destination, and the flames of hope continue to blaze in all of our hearts. The light of hope that burns in our homeland warms all of our homes and strengthens our resolve. Today’s revolution will be victorious, and upon our victory, we shall mourn the loss of so many of our loved ones who were lost in this unequal battle with evil. The days after this revolution will bring the perpetrators of these crimes to justice and hold every one of them accountable. We shall never forget the enemies of our people and humanity, nor shall we ever forgive them.