The Ontario Superior Court dismissed a lawsuit filed by a member against the association, affirming the legal and democratic operations of the association

In the case of Zarei v. Association, the court ruled in favor of the Association of Families of Flight PS752 Victims, rejecting all assumptions and demands presented by the plaintiff. In the judgment, Justice Papageorgiou highlighted the association’s significant achievements in pursuing its goals, including supporting families, commemorating victims, and seeking truth and justice. The court emphasized the association’s lawful and transparent operations over nearly five years of democratic governance.
The lawsuit, filed in February 2023 in an Ontario court by a member named Mehrzad Zarei, included requests such as direct financial support for members. In response, the association determined that the best use of its limited financial resources remained in funding the larger campaign to bring the Islamic Republic to an international court and denied Mr. Zarei’s personal request for financial assistance.
Additionally, the lawsuit sought various information, including financial documents, the association’s membership list, and details of meeting minutes. Except for the membership list, the association had provided all required documents to members through multiple reports, particularly during annual general meetings. To protect member information, the association had filed for an exemption from providing the membership list last year, successfully securing legal protection for this data.
The court hearing was finally held on November 27, 2024, with families able to attend online. The judge affirmed the association’s lawful operations, deeming the claims made in the lawsuit against the association to be without legal merit. The plaintiff has 30 days to appeal this ruling. If no appeal is filed, the issuance of this judgment, one week after the court date, will bring an end to a nearly two-year-long case that imposed significant costs on the association and the families’ justice-seeking process.
The recent ruling of the Ontario Superior Court is available below. Please note that the English text serves as the official reference for the ruling.